Xandil VII

Xandil VII was an astronomical object located in the Xandil system, a part of the Lambda sector in the Trailing Sectors portion of the Mid Rim. It shared its name with the Far Xandil sector, which bordered the Lambda sector in 0 ABY.

Wanted by Cracken, a datafile composed by New Republic General Airen Cracken as a compilation of reports on various threats to the New Republic and published in 7 ABY, noted the rumors that the only occasions on which Par Lankin, the Imperial Moff of the Lambda sector, left his governor's palace were hunting expeditions to the Equatorial Reserves of Xandil VII.

Xandil VII was mentioned in the 1993 sourcebook Wanted by Cracken, which was written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Xandil system, and therefore Xandil VII, in grid square P-16.

Behind the scenes

Xandil VII was mentioned in the 1993 sourcebook Wanted by Cracken, which was written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Xandil system, and therefore Xandil VII, in grid square P-16.

