The Yalarans were a sentient, yet primitive, species native to the Wild Space planet Yalara. Unprepared for integration into the galaxy, their homeworld was hidden by a cloaking device created by the Jedi Master Broden Kel Verdox.
The Yalarans were a peaceable species with only primitive technology at the time that Broden Kel Verdox, a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order became aware of them, who created a cloaking device to shield their planet from discovery. At some point, a group of Noghri traveled to the planet and began guarding the cloaking device.
In 14 ABY, Tionne Solusar, a Jedi scholar of the New Jedi Order, learned of the planet through a holocron. Once the Jedi Order became aware that the planet had been discovered by another organization, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, dispatched Jedi Knight Jaden Korr to investigate. There, Korr discovered members of the Disciples of Ragnos—a Sith cult hostile to the New Jedi Order—fighting against the Noghri who were guarding the cloaking device. Korr defeated both groups and finally, warned by Skywalker that the cloaking device could be too powerful to let slip into hostile hands, used explosives to destroy the device. Skywalker later speculated that Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith, ordered the Noghri to wipe out the Yalarans.
The Yalarans were created for the backstory of Yalara in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, developed by Raven Software.