Ygal Delois

Ygal Delois was a Human male warrior from the planet Shiva IV who was a companion, and later betrayer, of Calian Confederacy Warlord Aron Peacebringer. A protege of Peacebringer, Delois eventually grew envious of his father figure and formed a partnership with Imperial General Bentilais san Sk'ar, who plotted to conquer Shiva IV and install Delois as its new ruler in the Empire's name. Delois revealed his treachery when Sk'ar openly attacked Shiva IV in 3 ABY, but was ultimately defeated in single combat by Rebel agent Luke Skywalker and the Imperial plan was foiled.


A Human male native of the remote planet Shiva IV, Ygal Delois was a warrior of the Human nation-state known as the Calian Confederacy during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Delois was a close companion and protege of the Calian Confederacy's Warlord, Aron Peacebringer, who saw Delois as like a son to him. Sk'ar made contact with Delois and revealed to him his plans for the world: the Empire would use an anti-matter bomb to destroy the Calian capital of Illyriaqüm, stepping into the chaos and anarchy that would ensue to establish dominion over the world. Delois was offered the chance to serve the Empire as the planet's new leader. Covetous of Peacebringer's status, Delois accepted the deal, planning on taking his wife Alisande and ruling over Shiva IV in the Empire's name.

Ygal Delois battles Luke Skywalker on Shiva IV.

Ygal Delois battles Luke Skywalker on Shiva IV.

Not long thereafter, the Imperials used one such bomb to destroy the city of K'avor, in a demonstration of the power with which they hoped to conquer the world. Not knowing of his friend's treachery, Peacebringer chose Delois as part of his scouting party to investigate what happened to the city. Along the way, they discovered a young offworlder named Leia Organa, an important Rebel leader who had crash-landed on Shiva IV. Delois and his fellows leapt into action and rescued Organa from a group of outcast bandits, returning her to safety in Illyriaqüm. Delois later danced with Organa several weeks later at the one-year anniversary celebration of the Concordat of Peace, but the proceedings were suddenly interrupted by Sk'ar's long-awaited attack on Peacebringer's palace. Peacebringer and Organa were taken prisoner, and Delois had a hand in torturing Organa during interrogations. However, Peacebringer and Organa ultimately escaped custody in time to help foil the planned destruction of Illyriaqüm, with Rebel reinforcements—Organa's friends Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca—showing up in the nick of time along with Longknife. Delois engaged Skywalker in single combat but was defeated, and Sk'ar was killed soon afterward.

Personality and traits

A longtime friend and companion of Aron Peacebringer, Ygal Delois was secretly covetous of all his friend had, and desired it for himself. However, that was not the only reason for his betrayal: a self-proclaimed realist, Delois thought it a certainty that the Empire would rule over Shiva IV, and wanted to be on the correct side of the conflict. His ambition outweighed any allegiance to his people, and he was willing to sacrifice the heart of the Calian Confederacy, killing many of his fellow Calians, in order to take power.

Behind the scenes

Ygal Delois first appeared in Star Wars (1977) 53, written by Chris Claremont and released in 1981.







