Yom Argo, also known as Dart, was a Human male spy who served the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. A native of Telfrey, Argo and his partner Tay Vanis drew Imperial ire for fomenting rebellious sentiment in the Iskalon system, leading to Telfrey's destruction. Argo and Vanis later received Bothan-sourced intelligence regarding a new Imperial superweapon in 3 ABY—however, Argo died in a starship crash on Lahsbane before making it back to the Rebel fleet.
A Human male native of the planet Telfrey, Yom Argo—nicknamed "Dart"—joined the Rebel Alliance as a spy during the Galactic Civil War, working closely with his friend and countryman Tay Vanis. Argo and Vanis earned Imperial notice for fomenting Rebel sentiment throughout their native Iskalon system, including among the aquatic Iskalonian School on Iskalon—the rising unrest in the system caused a brutal Imperial crackdown. By the end, Argo and Vanis' homeworld of Telfrey had been rendered completely uninhabitable. Around 3 ABY, Argo and Vanis received information from Bothan spies about a new superweapon under development by the Empire, and downloaded the intelligence onto tapes they intended to deliver to Rebel leadership.
Argo and Vanis quickly realized that the Empire was in hot pursuit, and the old friends decided their best course of action was to split up: Vanis would take the tapes and flee, while Argo returned to request aid from the Rebel fleet. Aided by a member of the diminutive Lahsbee species, Argo traveled to the Lahsbee homeworld of Lahsbane, but his starship crashed and the Rebel was killed in the impact. To honor his Lahsbee companion, a set of tapes that contained a record of their mission was taken to the Lahsbee Forbidden City and placed in a memorial. His friend Vanis also disappeared before making it back to a Rebel base—he was later found to have been captured by the Sith Lord Darth Vader and tortured into a vegetative state.
The circumstances of their disappearance, and the whereabouts of the Bothan tapes, immediately became one of the Alliance's utmost priorities, prompting the Rebels to dispatch a group including top leaders Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa to discover their fate and retrieve the intelligence. Their search first led them to Lahsbane, where they learned from the native Lahsbees that Argo had died, and proceeded to retrieve his tapes from the Forbidden City.
Yom Argo was a Human male with black hair.
Yom Argo was first mentioned in Star Wars (1977) 73, written by Mary Jo Duffy and released in 1983, and was mentioned several times in subsequent issues of the original Marvel Star Wars comic. Argo was briefly pictured alongside companion Tay Vanis in Star Wars (1977) 74, where he was illustrated by Ron Frenz, although the comic does not identify which one is which. That question was later cleared up by the StarWars.com Databank over two decades later.
- "ComicScan: 20 Tales to Tantalize" — Star Wars Galaxy Collector 5
- "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series" — Star Wars Gamer 1
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia