
Z0-0M, also known as Zeeyo Ohm, previously the Shroud, was a feminine replicator droid who was active during the Cold War.


Z0-0M fights alongside HK-55.

Z0-0M fights alongside HK-55.

The droid known as Z0-0M was activated at some point before the end of the Galactic War between the Old Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Annoyed by the inferiority of her master, she killed them and became the criminal spy known as "the Shroud," using actors to play her role while she was safe at her base. Constantly being defeated by the Commander, she wanted to destroy their base on Odessen. She had the droid HK-55 captured so she could copy his memories into a replica, and use its info to send her current puppet to destroy the Alliance base. Attempting to wipe HK-55's memory, she erased her own, becoming a friendly and innocent droid with no memory of her crimes. Greeting HK, she helped free him and aided him in escaping, trying to stop "the Shroud" from destroying the Outlander.

HK-55 uncovers Z0-0M's real identity.

HK-55 uncovers Z0-0M's real identity.

She and HK, through a series of battles and encounters, eventually made their way to Odessen. There, they stopped the Shroud, who turned out to be one of the many actors hired by Z0-0M during her time as the real Shroud, before he could detonate bombs placed around the Alliance Base. After HK dealt with the impostor, he spoke with Z0-0M about her future moments before Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, and the Commander arrived to find two unknown individuals with HK-55 in their War Room. He expressed fatigue and promised to explain the situation.

Behind the scenes

Z0-0M was portrayed by Cristina Valenzuela in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire.






