Zazana Renkel

Around 22 BBY, Zazana fell in love with a former Republic agent named Edbit Teeks until he was kidnapped by Tarhassan Planetary Security. After serving her support with the Separatists, she was kidnapped by Joram Kithe and a special team from the Galactic Republic and the Republic Intelligence in order to question her about Teek's disappearance. After providing all the intel, Joram and the team were able to find the location.


Around 22 BBY, Zazana fell in love with a former Republic agent named Edbit Teeks until he was kidnapped by Tarhassan Planetary Security. After serving her support with the Separatists, she was kidnapped by Joram Kithe and a special team from the Galactic Republic and the Republic Intelligence in order to question her about Teek's disappearance. After providing all the intel, Joram and the team were able to find the location.



