
A Zicx was a certain type of insect native to Tatooine. They were of special interest to science, due to their relative invulnerability to certain types of damage. In nature, the creatures were quite docile. However, if they even became slightly irritated, they would unleash a lethal torrent of stings and bites.

Some time during 1 ABY, a spacer was tasked by Goru Rainstealer with collecting Zicx bugs suspended inside the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine. They were an essential component of the Zicx-bug bomb.


Some time during 1 ABY, a spacer was tasked by Goru Rainstealer with collecting Zicx bugs suspended inside the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine. They were an essential component of the Zicx-bug bomb.



