
Behind the scenes

In 1978, the Kenner toy company created a figure of the Snivvian, Zutton. The first version wore a blue outfit and was the same size as a regular action figure. It was released with the Sears Cantina Adventure Playset. A second, revised version with a red outfit and shorter legs was released as an individually packaged action figure. The first version was labeled "Blue Snaggletooth" and became a very rare figure. The package of the second figure included a picture of Zutmore from the Holiday Special. This seemed to imply that the Snivvian in The Star Wars Holiday Special was the same Snivvian, Zutton, that appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. However, Zutton has a different appearance than the Snivvian in the Holiday Special, and it was decided to split the appearances into separate characters.

To add to the confusion, in 2001, Hasbro produced a figure under the name "Zutton," but the figure actually resembles Zutmore. Around the same time, Decipher identified Zutmore as "Rachalt Hyst" for its Star Wars Customizable Card Game set, Tatooine Limited. Later sources, including the article Rogues Gallery: You're Barred! in Star Wars Insider 144, returned to the name from the Holiday Special script: "Zutmore."




