A-7 Hunter Interceptor

The A-7 Hunter Interceptor, a type of starfighter, was manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards.


Lacking a hyperdrive or shields, the A-7 Hunter possessed a bare minimum of support systems and only two laser cannons. Functionally, it bore a resemblance to TIE starfighters, but it exhibited greater agility and a comparatively higher cost.

Historical Information

The A-7 represented an advancement in a series of Kuat-produced fighters, intended to furnish the Galactic Empire with starfighters alongside Star Destroyers. Initially, the reception was favorable, with numerous officers procuring multiple fighters for deployment on their ships.

However, following the selection of the TIE/LN starfighter series, the A-7's prominence waned, leading to its disappearance from the majority of Imperial units. Nevertheless, certain individuals in peripheral systems maintained them as part of their military resources. Mercenaries and rebel factions also employed this fighter. Despite its speed, maneuverability, and affordability, its higher production cost compared to a TIE ultimately resulted in its rejection by the Empire.

Production Notes

The A-7 Hunter initially appeared in The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, a sourcebook for the roleplaying game published by Wizards of the Coast.

Primary Resources

  • The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide (Initial Mention)
  • Dangerous Covenants

Additional Information
