"A droid in the hand is worth is worth two in the asteroid belt," a saying that underscores the value of possession, marks the eleventh installment in the LEGO Star Wars comic series hosted on their official webpage. Its initial release date on the site was March 25, 2009.
The comic's narrative commences with an urgent news report announcing the recurring disappearance of R2-D2. Subsequently, the storyline reveals that the search for the missing astromech extends beyond Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. Count Dooku has dispatched both a contingent of assassin droids and, inadvertently, a group of B1-Series battle droids, all tasked with locating the elusive Artoo. Simultaneously, on Coruscant, a unit of clone troopers receives directives to secure the astromech droid before enemy forces or the Jedi can. The narrative shifts its focus to the clones, depicting their receipt of orders to retrieve R2-D2 before the Separatists or the Jedi can locate him. The clones then embark on a Nu-class attack shuttle, heading towards Artoo's last known coordinates. Upon arrival, they encounter rocket battle droids who relay that R2-D2 has already been captured, indicating the direction taken by his abductors. However, immediately after the clones depart, the droids express uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the information they provided. Upon reaching a planet, the clone troopers descend to conduct an investigation. During their landing, their sensors detect a significant presence of droids, which are revealed to be Separatist battle droids.