A New Hope constitutes the third pack of expansion cards produced for the Star Wars Trading Card Game by Wizards of the Coast. It draws its thematic inspiration from the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The symbol representing this expansion is the emblem of the Rebel Alliance.
This expansion was made available in October of 2002, and it incorporates a total of 180 cards. These are categorized into 60 rare cards, 60 uncommon cards, and 60 common cards.
A New Hope was distributed in booster packs, each holding either 11 cards (composed of 7 common, 3 uncommon, and 1 rare) or 5 cards. Additionally, it was offered in pre-constructed dark side and light side decks, each containing forty cards.
- Pilot – By piloting space or ground units, characters are able to enhance their statistics or gain access to additional skills.
- Intercept – Should an enemy unit target one of your units within the same zone as this unit, the attack is redirected to this unit instead.
- Accuracy – Adds a bonus of +X to each of this unit's attack rolls.
- A New Hope Database on CCG Trader (accessible via archive from September 27, 2021)
- "A New Hope" located on Wizards.com (this content is outdated; backup link provided)