A ship docks at Abek's Station Abek's Station, a Shadowport, was under the ownership of Nim Abek, a Nikto pirate. Its location was on the Sisar Run, specifically just prior to the Ac'fren Spur; however, it was absent from all navigational charts, and could only be found by invitation. Security at this shadowport was overseen by Blalock, a male Near-Human.
Surlev, a Commander in the Galactic Empire, destroyed the station in 3 ABY.
Level 1: The lowest level, known as "The Pit"/Engineering, housed essential systems such as life support, gravity generators, storage areas, power and refueling cells, and the station's reactor.
Level 2: The Spaceport/Accommodations level provided rooms for Nim Abek's clientele, along with his establishment, a bar named The Thirsty Monoc.
Level 3: The Docking Bay offered docking facilities for the customers of Abek.
Level 4: The Arena was a facility for gladiatorial contests, which were Nim Abek's preferred form of entertainment. It also included an animal pen for Abek's Oskan blood eater.
Level 5: Abek's Dock provided docking facilities specifically for Abek and his crew.
Level 6: The Pirate's Quarters consisted of a private lounge, a kitchen, and private living spaces for Abek's crew.
Level 7: The Chop Shop had docking facilities for stolen vessels awaiting repair and maintenance.
Level 8: Abek's Private Quarters