
The Abinyshi constituted a sentient species that was native to the planet called Inysh.

Biology and appearance

These beings possessed a bipedal form, characterized by their lithe physiques, elongated and flexible appendages, flattened facial features, and uniquely bifurcated tails.

Society and culture

Known for their mild and unassertive nature, the Abinyshi seldom engaged proactively in occurrences that impacted their existence. Their primary claim to fame rested on their contributions made to the realms of culinary arts and literary works.


Around the same epoch that the Corellians and the Duros achieved interstellar travel capabilities, the Abinyshi also accomplished this feat, although their technological prowess lagged behind. Their colonization endeavors remained confined to planetary bodies in proximity to Inysh. The Galactic Empire engaged in the destructive practice of strip-mining Inysh for the valuable resource kalonterium, resulting in a toxic contamination so severe that it brought the Abinyshi to the brink of annihilation, leading to the widespread assumption of their extinction. Nonetheless, a small contingent managed to endure in secrecy, and certain Abinyshi individuals aligned themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

