Clone Wars themed figurines are seen in the hands of younglings of various species.
Miniature figurines, commonly known as action figures, represented various entities such as soldiers, droids, and a diverse assortment of other characters and objects. These toys were frequently used during playtime by children.
The subjects represented in these action figures were diverse, ranging from clone troopers and LAAT/is to B1-series battle droids, super battle droids, spider droids, spider walkers, Hailfire droids, Vulture droids, Jedi, and Mandalorians.
As a youngster, Boba Fett possessed a Mandalorian figure resembling his father, which he used to simulate battles against the Trade Federation. He also had a collection of starships figures, which he and Jango would use during playtime. Younglings from numerous species engaged in simulated conflicts using action figures depicting soldiers and droids from the Clone Wars.