Adari's personal memoirs

Adari Vaal's private journals were discovered by Quarra Thayn (see: Quarra Thayn) within the hidden collection of Adari Vaal (see: Adari Vaal's secret library), situated on the Alanciar (see: Alanciar) continent of Kesh (see: Kesh). The writings contained details regarding Eulyn (see: [Eulyn]), who was Adari Vaal's mother; a sparse account of Adari's union (see: marriage) with Zhari Vaal (see: [Zhari Vaal]); Adari's sorrow concerning the abandonment of her children, Finn (see: Finn) and Tona Vaal (see: Tona), on Keshtah Minor (see: Keshtah Minor); information pertaining to Yaru Korsin's (see: Yaru Korsin) initial interaction (see: first encounter) with the Keshiri people (see: Keshiri), including his utilization of the Force (see: the Force) to connect with Adari's thoughts; and subsequently, Korsin's spouse's (see: wife's) lack of respect for her.

