Adz-class patrol destroyer

The Adz-class patrol destroyer represented a diminutive capital ship type deployed by the Galactic Empire's armed forces during the concluding phases of the Galactic Civil War.


The Adz boasted an armament of six weapon emplacements, each housed within a turret. These consisted of three quad laser cannons of class-D and three dual ion cannons of class-B, supplemented by a squadron of six TIE fighters. Among its sensor array was a soliton antenna, which gave it the ability to track vessels traveling through hyperspace.

Its design incorporated the latest advancements in slave circuitry, aiming to minimize the required crew size. The minimum operational crew was a mere twelve individuals, though it typically carried an additional six deckhands, six TIE fighter pilots, eight soldiers, and twelve gunners to operate the weaponry. Automation allowed each weapon battery to be operated by only two gunners, which in turn allowed them to concentrate fire on targets with much more precision. This streamlined patrol staffing needs and reduced the expense of training new personnel.

In conventional space travel, an Adz-class ship could achieve a velocity of approximately one million kilometers per hour following several hours of acceleration at flank speed. Deceleration to station-keeping speed required less than ten minutes. While this performance was adequate for intercepting many civilian vessels, it proved insufficient to overtake the Lady Luck, Lando Calrissian's's high-performance star yacht. For journeys spanning greater distances, the Adz was equipped with a Class Two Hyperdrive.


The Adz-class design was a fairly recent development during the Black Fleet Crisis, and it was primarily utilized by Imperial Navy units stationed in the Deep Core, such as the Grand Imperial Navy under the command of Warlord Foga Brill, in defense of the fortress world of Prakith.

Behind the scenes

In Tyrant's Test, the maximum speed attributed to the Adz-class is "point five-five." While this terminology typically implies a very rapid hyperdrive speed, within that particular context, it seemingly refers to a sublight velocity.

