AEG-77 Vigo

The AEG-77 Vigo served as a transport for the criminal syndicate Black Sun, and was also utilized by Xizor Transport Systems, among other entities, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Certain vessels underwent extensive modifications to function as convoy escorts.


AEG-77 schematics

This spacecraft offered substantial capacity for both passengers and freight. Its internal layout comprised three decks interconnected via a pair of elevators, alongside an observation lounge, a spacious bridge, a recreational area, an engineering bay, and a cargo bay. Enhanced versions were armed with two forward-facing cannons, four turrets positioned on top, and two turrets mounted underneath.


Originally, the AEG-77 Vigo was deployed as a lightly armed transport by Black Sun, and subsequently by other groups like Xizor Transport Systems and the Hutt cartels. Due to their reputation for weak armaments, an increasing number of these transports fell victim to attacks and seizures by pirate groups, particularly those involved in smuggling high-value goods for Black Sun. In response to this threat to their revenue streams, Black Sun opted to convert some of their cargo transports into heavily armed gunships, intended to safeguard their convoys.

Behind the scenes

An AEG-77 Vigo under attack by a pair of IRD-A starfighters

This particular gunship made its debut in the Star Wars Galaxies expansion, Jump to Lightspeed, as a non-player character (NPC) vessel. A forum user named "Zion Halcyon" on the official Galaxies forums pilot board suggested the ship's designation, while the description was contributed by "Halyn" after developer Thomas Eidson solicited input from the pilot community. AEG is an acronym for "Assault-Escort Gunship," and Vigo translates to "Cousin" in Old Tionese.

Although a comprehensive interior for the ship was integrated into the game's data files in 2005, it remained unseen in the game itself until the release of the Chapter 8 update in January 2008, at which point it became a multiplayer-accessible ship for freelance ace pilots. It was among several ships that became playable in Chapter 8, alongside the X4 Gunship, the Ye-4 gunship, and the N-1 starfighter.

