Aldar Beedo's blaster pistol

A blaster pistol of silver hue functioned as a weapon for Aldar Beedo, the Glymphid hit-man. Kam Nale, a crime lord of Fluggrian descent, possessed one as well. This blaster pistol featured a receiver that was round and streamlined, coupled with a barrel that was long and narrow, bearing a strong similarity to the ELG-3A blaster pistol. It differed from the ELG-3A in that the ELG-3A pistols lacked a trigger-guard. Furthermore, in contrast to the ELG-3A, this blaster did not possess a wooden grip, and the receiver's smoothness was less pronounced near the front of the blaster. The weapon discharged blaster bolts that were green in color.

Aldar Beedo was known for using the weapon, and notably employed it unlawfully on the podracing circuits to execute hits. He once tried to use the blaster while racing on Malastare to kill Sebulba, the Dug pilot. When not actively using the blaster, he carried it in a holster on his belt. Kam Nale, who also had one, attempted to utilize his during the Boonta Eve Classic of 32 BBY to assassinate Aldar Beedo. However, he was unsuccessful.

