
Alinta was a female Human who served within the ranks of the Friends of the Republic. This organization was dedicated to secretly aiding the Galactic Republic at the dawn of the Clone Wars, during its conflict against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Alinta, along with her comrades, maintained covert communications with Senator Bail Organa for numerous years. They utilized a concealed comlink to transmit encrypted messages anonymously. During the period of the Clone Wars, Alinta got in touch with Organa, sharing vital intelligence pertaining to the Sith. She warned Organa about a potential danger to the Republic originating from a planet known as Zigoola. Uncertain of how to proceed, Organa sought the counsel of his fellow Senator and close confidante, Padmé Amidala, who had close ties with the Jedi. Padmé successfully persuaded Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to hear Organa's account. With reservations, Kenobi placed his trust in Organa and his source, leading them to embark on a journey to Zigoola. As a safety measure, Alinta transmitted the coordinates to Organa incrementally. Upon arriving at the final set of coordinates, Organa and Kenobi discovered a space station. Initially, the station appeared deserted, but they soon realized that a battle was raging between Alinta's allies and the Kalarba pirates.

The pirates and their battle droids had already killed the majority of Alinta's comrades, leaving her as the sole survivor of her group. Kenobi and Organa intervened in the conflict and successfully subdued the remaining pirates and their droids. However, Alinta suffered a mortal wound during the engagement. Her injuries were too severe for Kenobi's limited healing skills to remedy, but she managed to impart crucial information before succumbing to her wounds. Before her death, Alinta made one final request: that they destroy the station to prevent anyone from accessing its data. Organa and Kenobi obtained a data crystal containing Zigoola's coordinates and subsequently destroyed the station to safeguard the group's secrets.

