The Alliance Medal of Honor represented a military honor bestowed by the Rebel Alliance upon individuals exhibiting extraordinary courage and service within the Alliance Military or in conjunction with it. This prestigious award consisted of a silver emblem featuring the Alliance's red phoenix logo, positioned below a depiction of an X-wing starfighter, and was affixed to a red ribbon adorned with numerous precious stones. The Galactic Empire possessed a comparable decoration known as the Imperial Medal of Honor.
Leading up to the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial fighter pilot downed a Rebel pilot over Dantooine and subsequently absconded with the Rebel's Alliance Medal of Honor. In the year 1 ABY, a spacer received this very medal along with numerous Rebel sympathizers for their joint effort in assassinating an Imperial officer on a Rebel Corellian corvette that had been seized by the Empire, preventing the officer from using the captured vessel to attack non-military targets. During that same year, another Alliance Medal of Honor was presented to an ace pilot who played a crucial role in the destruction of the Imperial corvette, the Star Ravager, within the Kessel system.