Amber fern

When Mand'alor Boba Fett buried the remains of his deceased father and daughter—Jango Fett and Ailyn Vel, respectively—on Mandalore, he did so in a grove of galek trees where amber ferns grew in abundance.

Amber ferns were first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, written by author Karen Traviss and published May 29, 2007. The following year, in 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia featured an informational entry on amber ferns.

Behind the scenes

Amber ferns were first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, written by author Karen Traviss and published May 29, 2007. The following year, in 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia featured an informational entry on amber ferns.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



