Ambush on Ilum

The Ambush on Ilum represents a minor engagement that unfolded during the Clone Wars. It took place a few months subsequent to the Battle of Geonosis.


Droids locating the Crystal Cave.

Following the Muunilinst campaign's commencement, Count Dooku issued directives for an assault targeting the Crystal Caves situated on Ilum. He dispatched a contingent of chameleon droids with the objective of obliterating the temple and the lightsaber crystals contained within. While these battle droids initiated their descent onto Ilum's snow-covered terrain, Barriss Offee, under the supervision of Luminara Unduli, was in the process of finalizing the construction of a lightsaber inside the temple.

The skirmish

Sensing the impending arrival of the chameleon droids, both Jedi initiated a counter-offensive. Employing camouflage to evade detection by the Jedi, the droids had already begun deploying mines within the temple's confines, triggering explosions that led to the collapse of the caves.

Yoda battles chameleon droids.

Despite their valiant efforts, the Jedi were unable to prevent the detonation, resulting in their entrapment beneath a pile of debris sustained by Luminara's diminishing Force power.

Simultaneously, while en route aboard Senator Padmé Amidala's H-type Nubian yacht, Jedi Master Yoda detected disturbances on Ilum, prompting him to persuade Amidala to alter their course towards the planet. Her bodyguard, Gregar Typho, exhibited greater reluctance, although a Jedi mind trick swiftly swayed him to Yoda's perspective. Upon the yacht's arrival at Ilum, Yoda immediately embarked towards the Crystal Caves alone, instructing his companions to remain with the vessel. Undeterred, Amidala, accompanied by C-3PO and R2-D2, ventured into the perilous environment of Ilum—confronting both natural and artificial threats—believing that Yoda would require her assistance.

Yoda and Amidala soon encountered the camouflaged chameleon droids. While Yoda effortlessly dispatched them with his lightsaber, Padmé was compelled to rely on her ingenuity to survive their assault. Employing her cloak as a diversion, she identified and neutralized one of her attackers as they initiated fire. Utilizing the same tactic with Threepio, she eliminated the remaining two droids.


Artoo's hologram of Dooku.

C-3PO emerged from the engagement unscathed, and the group resumed their journey. Subsequently, they encountered Yoda, who had by that point rescued Unduli and Offee from the devastated temple. Despite the successful completion of his mission, Yoda remained unaware of the identity of those who had dispatched the chameleon droids. By interfacing with the damaged head of a chameleon droid, Artoo uncovered a hologram depicting Dooku issuing the order for the temple's assault.

