Orson Krennic functioned as an architect within the Galactic Empire.
An architect was a type of professional responsible for the design of structures and buildings. The Death Star battle station's construction necessitated habitat architects to be present on-site continuously, in addition to weapons experts and scientists. Before his rise to the position of Imperial Moff, Tiaan Jerjerrod, who hailed from a wealthy family on Tinnel IV, worked in the field of architecture.
Orson Callan Krennic bore much of the responsibility for the redesign and enlargement of the Republic Center for Military Operations. There were also droid models designed to execute these architectural tasks. The architects who designed Jedi temples would incorporate elements of their own character into the buildings' designs, and Kanan Jarrus posited that the individual who designed the Lothal Jedi Temple possessed a particular affinity for the enigmatic.