Arramanx, an urban world, existed within the Arramanx system. As a part of the Cronese Mandate sector, it was located inside the Tion Cluster, which itself was within the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories. Situated on the Greater Cronese Arc hyperlane between the Duinarbulon and Pasmin systems, Arramanx was also connected to the Gadon system via the hyperspace route referred to as the Kismaano Bypass.
The Tion Cluster knew Arramanx for its lawless and infamous slums. Only spacers transporting illicit goods dared conduct business on the planet's surface. Pilots with legitimate reasons to visit instead utilized the several disreputable, yet functional, space stations in Arramanx's orbit. The small, quadripedal scavenger creatures known as the borcatu, originally native to the Expansion Region planet Escabar, eventually expanded beyond their homeworld into the broader galaxy, establishing themselves in diverse habitats on various planets, including Arramanx's slums.
The sourcebook Creatures of the Galaxy, released in 1994, provided the first mention of Arramanx. Specifically, it appeared in the short story "A Widespread Scavenger" by Phil Brucato. West End Games published the book for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, pinpointed the Arramanx system, and consequently the planet, within grid square S-6.