Arrow Squadron was a squadron of V-19 Torrent starfighters that the Galactic Republic established. The pilots who flew for it were clones derived from the genetic template of Jango Fett. This squadron saw action during the Mission to Lanteeb, sustaining losses against the opposing droid starfighters.
The Republic warship Coruscant Sky became the base of operations for the squadron in 21 BBY, where they operated V-19 Torrent starfighters. The pilots that made up the squadron were clones based on the Mandalorian warrior Jango Fett. During the Mission to Lanteeb, the squadron was involved in a battle in which a Republic flotilla clashed with a fleet from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, commanded by General Grievous. As part of a strategic deception during the orbital conflict, Arrow Squadron's pilots were tasked with pursuing a Separatist spy ship. This vessel was piloted by a Jedi Master attempting to infiltrate the planet in order to thwart Lok Durd and his bio-weapon. While Gold Squadron harassed the spy ship, Arrow Squadron engaged the Vulture droid starfighters. This tactic proved effective, allowing the Jedi Master to land on the planet.
After fourteen hours of combat with the Separatist fleet, Arrow Squadron had lost 25% of its original number. The battle concluded several hours later with the arrival of a corporate fleet assembled by Senators Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala over Lanteeb, compelling Grievous to retreat.
The novel Clone Wars Gambit: Siege, released in 2010, features Arrow Squadron.