A Victory-class Star Destroyer is depicted here, launching assault concussion missiles.
The assault concussion missile represents a type of concussion missile designed for use on large capital ships.
These substantial missiles, far exceeding the power of the smaller versions found on starfighters, were generally employed for planetary bombardment as well as engaging enemy capital ships. They were commonly deployed from larger warships such as Star Destroyers, including the Victory I-class, Gladiator-class, and Nebula-class Star Destroyer, and battleships such as the Executor-class Star Dreadnought and Viscount-class Star Defender. Furthermore, battlecruisers like the Maelstrom-class, and heavy cruisers like the Acclamator-class were known to utilize them.
A single standard assault concussion missile could inflict major damage upon a capital ship, and only a few were typically required to completely obliterate a target. Certain assault concussion missiles were armed with extremely potent Chepatite-Thorium warheads, protected by a durasteel penetrator, which allowed the missiles to break through layers of soil, rock, armor plating, and duralloy to explode deep inside a target.