A male Baragwin Jedi Consular, named Astaal Vilbum, served as the Caretaker of First Knowledge during the closing years of the Galactic Republic.
Astaal Vilbum, a Force-sensitive Baragwin, was a member of the esteemed Jedi Order. As time passed, Vilbum ascended to the rank of Jedi Master. Eventually, Vilbum was given the position of Caretaker of First Knowledge, a permanent role on the Council of First Knowledge. As the leader of this five-member group, Vilbum oversaw the Holocron Chamber located within the southeast tower of the Jedi Temple and was among the select few Masters permitted access to the Holocron Vaults found within the Jedi Archives.
In 30 BBY, Vilbum supervised the activation of the holocron belonging to the Dark Jedi known as Volfe Karkko, an event that had not transpired during the tenures of the previous thirteen Caretakers. Vilbum summoned High Council member and Master of the Order Mace Windu to the Holocron Chamber, where he shared the details of the holocron and its potential impact on Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos, who was currently on a mission to Kiffex. Given that Karkko was imprisoned on Kiffex, Vilbum was concerned that the young Knight might not be adequately prepared for the dangers he would encounter. However, Windu expressed his confidence in Vos and the other Jedi who would be assisting him.