The AT-ST drop pod functioned as a specialized dropship utilized by the Galactic Empire.
These pods manifested as sizable cylindrical structures, typically launched either from dedicated dropships designed specifically for this purpose, or from the hangar bays of larger capital ships. Explosive bolts secured the pod's joints, while shock absorbers and impact sensors were integrated into the base. In preparation for deployment, a combat-ready AT-ST unit was loaded within the pod, and the explosive bolts were armed. Subsequently, the pod was sealed and launched towards its destination. Upon impact with the planetary surface, the impact sensors located in the pod's base would activate the explosive bolts. This activation would trigger the bolts to detonate, effectively blowing away the pod's sides, thus facilitating a swift and uncomplicated deployment of the AT-ST onto the combat zone.
During a mission on Felucia to locate the captured Senator Bail Organa, Galen Marek engaged in combat with numerous Stormtroopers as he ventured further into the planet's dense fungal forests. En route, a drop pod descended, triggering a landslide that subsequently trapped Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice, compelling him to confront an AT-ST walker deployed from the pod.
Following the initial engagement, numerous additional pods were deployed as part of the Empire's efforts to subdue the indigenous Felucian population.