Atron existed as a planet situated inside the Atron system, which itself was found in the Mid Rim's Senex sector.
The homeworld of House Garonnin was Atron, a world known for its high population density. Boro-borosa III, alongside other planets, dispatched prisoners to Atron's infamous prisons. Despite being a major hub for trade in the Senex sector, Atron faced economic challenges from House Picutorion on Tekurr'k, who sold unrefined resources at lower prices due to Atron's lack of mining capabilities.
Greezim Trentacal, a slavemaster affiliated with the Karazak Slavers Cooperative, used "Lords of Atron" as an expression. Additionally, the name of the planet was also used for Trentacal's Zuraco Cargo Hauler, the Atron's Mistress.