Attack of the Clones (TCG)

Attack of the Clones represents the initial card pack expansion for the Star Wars Trading Card Game. This expansion draws its thematic inspiration from both Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

This set was made available on April 23, 2002, and it comprises 180 cards, distributed as follows: 60 rare cards, 60 uncommon cards, and 60 common cards. The identifying symbol for this expansion is the helmet of a Clone trooper.

Attack Of The Clones, for the TCG, has been available for purchase in booster packs containing either 11 cards (broken down into 7 common, 3 uncommon, and 1 rare) or 5 cards. It was also sold as a starter pack, which included two pre-constructed player decks (30 cards for the light side and 30 cards for the dark side), as well as a dedicated dark side deck (40 cards) and a light side deck (40 cards).

Novel Abilities Introduced

  • Deflect - Prevents X damage from being received and inflicts X damage on a different unit within the same arena.
  • Evade - Nullifies X damage directed at the unit.
  • Critical Hit - Grants the unit X additional damage if the player rolls at least one natural 6.
  • Ion Cannon - Enables ground units to target units in the space area, instead of being restricted to ground-based targets.
  • Bombard - Allows space units to attack units in the ground area, deviating from targeting units in the space area.
  • Shields - Reduces the attacking power of each opposing unit by X when attacking a unit with Shields X.

Categories of Cards

  • Battle: 22
  • Character: 21
  • Ground: 21
  • Mission: 21
  • Space: 21

Affiliation of Cards

  • Dark: 65
  • Neutral: 46
  • Light: 69

Listing of Cards

Examples of Cards

Additional Information and Citations

External Resources
