Attempted kidnapping of Senator Amidala

The thwarted abduction of Senator Amidala, orchestrated by individuals from the Burning Rancors, transpired on Coruscant amidst the backdrop of the Clone Wars.

The attempt

During the era of the Clone Wars, the Jedi High Council uncovered a plot: the Confederacy of Independent Systems had compensated numerous criminals residing on Coruscant with the intention of abducting Senator Amidala prior to an important address within the Galactic Senate. Seeking to lure the would-be abductors into the open, the Jedi concealed Amidala within a secure location, permitting her handmaidens, specifically Sabé and Eirtaé, to be taken captive in her stead.


Subsequently, the Council dispatched Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker with the mission of liberating the Senator. Oblivious to the substitution that had taken place, Skywalker efficiently located the kidnappers and brought them under control. He freed Amidala's substitutes, but expressed displeasure with the fact that he had been kept in the dark concerning the Jedi Council's strategy.

