Chewbacca, Mallatobuck, Attichitcuk, and a young Lumpawaroo
The Wookiee family of Chewbacca resided on Rwookrrorro, and they were a clan. This particular group of Wookiees contributed significantly to the galaxy, producing exceptional warriors, accomplished pilots, and even a Jedi Knight. Disagreements were frequent between them and other clans.
Chewbacca's kin are labeled the "Sawa tribe" in The Star Wars 7, a powerful Wookiee faction whose leader, "Auzituck," is a prince (note the spelling variation). Conversely, in The Star Wars 8, the family is identified as "the great Kaapauku tribe." The tribe was originally designated as "Kaapauku" in The Star Wars: Rough Draft.