Award of the Mechanic's Nightmare

The Award of the Mechanic's Nightmare was a humorous accolade bestowed upon Garik Loran, a pilot from Wraith Squadron, following his unlikely survival during the Battle for the Razor's Kiss in 7 ABY.


During the aforementioned battle, Garik Loran's X-wing starfighter sustained significant damage, and Loran himself was also severely wounded. Enemy laser fire breached the cockpit canopy, striking him on his left side. His survival was considered miraculous, especially given his ability to ignore the pain and the frigid vacuum to eliminate a pursuing TIE/IN interceptor threatening fellow pilot Tyria Sarkin, and subsequently pilot his damaged craft to safety.

The award took the form of a gray statuette depicting a New Republic mechanic brandishing a wrench like a weapon. The mechanic's facial expression conveyed intense, albeit comical, fury. The statuette's height was approximately half the length of a Human forearm.

This prize was a tongue-in-cheek recognition of the appalling condition of Loran's X-wing upon its return to the Nebulon-B escort frigate Tedevium. Commander Wedge Antilles described it as, "the most mangled snubfighter that her mechanics had ever laid eyes on." Loran required extraction from the cockpit, due to portions of his burned flesh fusing with the cockpit's internal controls.

