
B-3G9, alternatively referred to as Threegee, represented a combat analysis droid model. It was produced by the Czerka Corporation approximately during the era of the Great Galactic War. Functioning as a strategic consultant for the Galactic Republic's Navy, this droid played a key role in the Republic's skillful tactical deployments during the First Battle of Bothawui. In recognition of its achievements at Bothawui, the Republic issued an order for B-3G9's return to its original manufacturing facility for servicing and enhancements. Nevertheless, owing to an administrative oversight by Czerka, and before the process could be stopped, the droid's internal wiring had already begun to be reconfigured to align with the configuration of a typical protocol droid. While these alterations reduced B-3G9's strategic capabilities, the droid continued to serve the Republic Navy, overseeing the defensive systems of individual starship.

Behind the scenes

B-3G9 appears as a non-player character within the massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, which was launched by BioWare in 2011. Nolan North provides the character's voice.

