The B2-X Computer Interface Unit represents a computer probe originating from the production lines of the MerenData Corporation.
Imperial Intelligence commissioned MerenData to develop the B2-X, intending it for network security tasks and sophisticated slicing investigations. As a model designed for the Empire, the unit displayed a blunt demeanor and lacked any form of self-propulsion. This computer interface unit, constructed in a cubical form and colored a deep blue, possessed the ability to analyze scanned data. This data acquisition was achieved using a bright red photoreceptor, and interpreted through a vocoder. To interface with diverse networks, the probe included a collection of computer probes. The processing power and software of the B2-X allowed it to bypass even the most robust security measures.
From 2 BBY until 0 BBY, a modified B2-X computer interface unit, known as Blue Max, journeyed alongside Han Solo and Chewbacca during their exploits within the Corporate Sector and the Tion Hegemony.