Bacta patchCanonLegendsInfinities Clone Captain Rex wearing a bacta patch on his chest A bacta bandage, also called a bacta patch, served as a bacta-infused dressing designed for the treatment and recovery of surface injuries.AppearancesThe High Republic: Defy the Storm (and audiobook) (Mentioned only) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: Temptation of the Force (and audiobook) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: Beware the Nameless (and audiobook) (Mentioned only) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: Tempest Breaker (In flashback(s)) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: Tempest Breaker script (In flashback(s)) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Star Wars: The Clone Wars — The Deserter (First appearance) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Heir to the Jedi (and audiobook) (First identified as bacta patch) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Star Wars (2020) 49 (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Ahsoka — Part Two: Toil and Trouble (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel (and audiobook) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown