Baltan Carid, whose Mando'a name was Car'ika, was a male Human Mandalorian warrior who fought in the Second Galactic Civil War. This warrior possessed a dark blue vine tattoo that began beneath where his armor sat and ended just below his chin. His hair had turned completely white, obscuring its original color. Known for his boisterous cheerfulness and loud voice, he often fought without his helmet. Even when wearing it, he frequently forgot he didn't need to shout to be heard through the comlink. He was generally in good spirits, frequently cracking jokes. His Mando armor was a vibrant violet color.
The last time Boba Fett saw Carid, he was using an 'Imperial-era blaster' to eliminate Yuuzhan Vong during the conflict at Caluula Station, prior to a meeting Fett organized on Mandalore to discuss the situation of the Mandalorian people.
Later, Carid participated in the Second Battle of Fondor, assisting Fett in eliminating Imperial Moffs on the Turbulent-class Star Destroyer Bloodfin. Carid, along with Fett and Novoc Vevut, eliminated the stormtroopers guarding the Moffs before executing the Moffs. Carid and Vevut pursued Sith apprentice Tahiri Veila into an airlock docking tube. Instead of killing Darth Caedus outright, Carid shot him in the knee, as Fett preferred to leave Caedus for his sister, Jaina Solo, to confront at a later time.