Battle for the Darksaber

The clash known as the Battle for the Darksaber occurred within the asteroid field located in the Hoth system. Concerned about a repeat of the Alderaan tragedy, the military of the New Republic executed a surprise attack and disabled the Darksaber superweapon.

During this engagement, the New Republic suffered the loss of one of its most accomplished military leaders, Crix Madine, and the battle concluded on a particularly sour note. His final act of self-sacrifice was ultimately rendered pointless due to a defect in the weapon. It experienced operational failures, could not even achieve a proper discharge, and was ultimately obliterated by two asteroids of planetoid scale inside the asteroid belt when its superlaser failed to activate to clear the path.

Production Notes

While an image featured in The New Essential Chronology includes a Dreadnaught as part of the fleet engaging the Darksaber, the narrative itself doesn't confirm the presence of these capital ships in the battle. It's possible the image is meant to represent the Dodonna, an Assault Frigate rather than a true Dreadnaught-class vessel.

