The Battle of Alderaan represents one of the several armed conflicts that occurred in the vicinity of the Alderaan system throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
In the era of approximately 20 BBY, the Trade Federation had amassed a collection of warships within the Alderaan system. While these forces were insufficient for a complete invasion of Alderaan, they were adequate to disrupt any convoys attempting to provide assistance. Consequently, a convoy delivering essential supplies to Alderaan received protection from a Republic task force. The task force's specific mission was to engage any Separatist forces seeking to intercept them. Given Alderaan's limited military strength, they were dependent on the Republic forces for combat. All Jedi fighters received instructions to disperse and confront enemy fighters upon exiting hyperspace, diverting their attacks away from the convoy.
Just as the convoy was about to enter hyperspace, Padawan Flynn Kybo infiltrated and hijacked one of the Jedi starfighters. He intended to rendezvous with a small group of Jedi conspiring to independently assassinate General Grievous.
The battle's conclusion was seemingly a Republic triumph. Alderaan was considered to have been "threatened", rather than "conquered", by the CIS. Nevertheless, the horrors of the Clone Wars motivated the Alderaanians to dismantle their already meager military resources following the war. Despite publicly asserting the absence of remaining weaponry, they secretly stored their arsenal aboard the unmanned Alderaanian War Frigate Another Chance. This vessel was programmed to travel through hyperspace unless recalled by the Alderaanian Council of Elders.