The conflict known as the Battle of Belderone originated from information gleaned from the captured mechno-chair belonging to Nute Gunray.
Through its use, the Jedi intercepted a communication from General Grievous. This message revealed to the Separatist Council members that, following Grievous's successful conquest, they were scheduled to be relocated to Belderone. Consequently, the Jedi High Council deployed a military contingent under the command of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker with the mission of defending the world from Grievous.
As Grievous's armada materialized from hyperspace, it was promptly engaged by a Republic combat group consisting of sixty major warships. Departing from the Integrity, the Jedi, accompanied by Captain Davijaan—leading Clone Flight Squad Seven—advanced to confront the Separatists. Kenobi and Skywalker navigated through a massive formation of over five hundred droid starfighters to reach the Invisible Hand, where Skywalker launched a daring strike against the Separatist command ship. Witnessing Anakin's bold maneuver, Grievous, while recognizing the starfighter posed no real threat to his capital ship, was compelled to safeguard the lives of the Separatist Council members and bring the engagement to a conclusion. The Invisible Hand then opened fire upon a convoy of refugees attempting to evacuate the besieged planet, resulting in the deaths of approximately ten thousand civilians. This action surprised the Republic forces, enabling Grievous's fleet to escape into hyperspace.
Despite incurring significant casualties, the Battle of Belderone was officially declared a Republic triumph, with representatives from the planet expressing their appreciation to the Senate. However, figures like Master Yoda argued that the battle was not a decisive victory. Grievous's retreat was motivated by the need to protect the Separatist Council, rather than by the level of Separatist losses.
The Republic realized that, due to their ambush at Belderone, further use of the captured mechno-chair for eavesdropping on Separatist communications was impossible, as the Separatists would undoubtedly recognize the channel's compromise. Grievous reprimanded Nute Gunray for the loss of his valuable mechno-chair. On Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine engaged in discussions with the Jedi concerning the effectiveness of the victory at Belderone, weighing it against the loss of their means of spying on Separatist communications.