Battle of Felucia may pertain to these distinct conflicts:
- First Battle of Felucia: A conflict that occurred during the era of the Clone Wars.
- Skirmish on Felucia: A minor engagement during the Clone Wars.
- Second Battle of Felucia: A separate battle that took place during the Clone Wars.
- The Battle of Felucia: Part of the Outer Rim Sieges campaign within the Clone Wars.
- Clone Wars First Battle of Felucia (circa 22 BBY) Skirmish on Felucia (circa 22 BBY) Rebellion on Felucia Second Battle of Felucia (circa 21 BBY) Mission to Felucia (circa 21 BBY): An operation carried out by Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi Third battle of Felucia Mission to Felucia (19 BBY): An operation led by Jedi General Barriss Offee and her Padawan, Zonder Battle of Felucia (Outer Rim Sieges) (19 BBY): A battle fought during the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars, immediately preceding Order 66
- Great Jedi Purge Mission to Felucia Battle of Felucia: Occurred right before the establishment of the Alliance to Restore the Republic
- A battle involving the Zann Consortium.
- A battle that happened during the Yuuzhan Vong War.
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