Battle of Ithor (Mandalorian Wars)

A significant battle transpired on the planet of Ithor in 3963 BBY, during the Mandalorian Wars. This clash resulted in a crucial triumph for the Galactic Republic against the invading forces of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.

During the Old Sith Wars, Ithor served as a vital resource for the Republic, functioning as a major exporter of both agricultural and medical resources. During that era, Ithorian scientists collaborated with Selkath marine biologists from Manaan to refine Kolto into a variety of powerful healing agents. Throughout the Great Sith War, the Republic Military maintained a substantial planetary defense fleet around Ithor, which was further augmented during the Mandalorian Wars.

When the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders attacked Taris and expanded their offensive to encompass other planets, one of their invasion routes led them to Ithor. The Republic Military swiftly launched a counteroffensive, supported by Zabrak reinforcements. This counterattack secured victory for them on both Ithor and Iridonia. This engagement stood as one of the limited successes for the Republic before the Revanchists entered the conflict. Consequently, it strengthened the Republic's supply routes and significantly boosted the morale of its troops during the initial stages of the war.


  • Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
