Battle of Notak

In the year 4 ABY, specifically eight months following the momentous Battle of Endor, a significant battle unfolded on the planet of Notak. This engagement represented a rearguard maneuver executed by the forces of the Galactic Empire. The Victory-class Star Destroyer known as the Harridan was pulled from its usual assignments within the N'zoth system to bolster Notak and aid in the strategic withdrawal from the Inner and Mid Rims. This redeployment of the Harridan, coupled with the reassignment of the majority of Black Sword Command, ultimately paved the way for the Yevethan Uprising a mere three weeks afterward.

Behind the scenes

The conflict that took place on Notak was initially brought to light in the novel titled Before the Storm. Subsequently, The New Essential Chronology provided a framework for understanding the battle's timing, situating the Yevethan Uprising eight months following the Battle of Endor. Furthermore, reference works such as The Essential Atlas and The Essential Guide to Warfare elaborated on the New Republic's operations within that particular sector of space. The Star Wars Encyclopedia also pinpointed the battle at Notak to eight months after the Battle of Endor. However, an inaccuracy appears in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia's entry for Notak, where it mistakenly states "years" instead of "months," leading to the erroneous assertion that the battle transpired eight years after the Battle of Endor, rather than the correct eight months.

