Battle of Thaldo

The clash known as the Battle of Thaldo unfolded on the world of Thaldo amidst the broader conflict of the Galactic Civil War.


Luke Skywalker, accompanied by R2-D2, journeyed to Thaldo with the intention of alerting the planet's Rebel station regarding an impending assault by the Imperial forces. While on Thaldo, Luke successfully freed a Rebel prisoner held by the Empire, and this prisoner provided him with an identification card necessary for gaining entry to the Rebel base.

The battle

Luke located a minor outpost manned by a Rebel officer, who then transported him to the primary base using a T-47 airspeeder. Unfortunately, Luke's arrival was ill-timed, as the Imperial offensive commenced precisely as he reached the base. Following the repulsion of the initial assault, Luke successfully restored the base's ion cannon to operational status, thereby enabling the Rebels stationed on Thaldo to evacuate the planet.

