A conflict occurred on a certain planet between the armies of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the period known as the Clone Wars. Leading a contingent of clone troopers were Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who engaged in a prolonged campaign on that world against the Confederate droid army. The droid army was safely positioned within a city that was defended by an energy shield. Skywalker and Kenobi managed to infiltrate the city via a hidden underground passage, and successfully destroyed the shield generator. With the shield deactivated, Clone Marshal Commander Cody then spearheaded an assault as clone troopers flooded into the city, resulting in a Republic victory.
In 19 BBY, High General Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Anakin Skywalker commanded a Republic forces comprised of clone troopers, led on the ground by Clone Marshal Commander Cody, that were positioned on a planet with heavy precipitation. The campaign was anticipated to last for months, as the Republic forces maintained a constant turbolaser bombardment. The target was a Separatist-controlled city protected by an energy shield.

One month into the siege, Commander Cody, utilizing a jetpack, landed near Kenobi's makeshift shelter. He informed the general that the bombardment was on schedule, and the enemy shields were projected to fail in three more months. After Cody's departure, Skywalker appeared, bringing a meal he'd acquired from within the enemy city. He had discovered an underground route that bypassed the shield, running through the sewer system.
While the clone troopers continued to bombard the shield from above, the two Jedi navigated the sewers into the city's underground levels. From there, they proceeded to the shield generator chamber, successfully destroying it using explosives. Once the shield was down, Skywalker and Kenobi left the city, and Commander Cody initiated a full-scale assault. This included Clone jet troopers as well as All Terrain Recon Transports supported by Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters providing air support. The attack resulted in a Republic victory over the Separatist forces.

As Republic forces prepared to leave on Acclamator-class assault ships and Venator-class Star Destroyers, Kenobi and Skywalker received an urgent HoloNet communication from Jedi Master Mace Windu and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Intelligence had discovered that the Confederate General Grievous was frequently visiting the planet Nelvaan. The two Jedi were sent to determine the Separatists' interest in the Outer Rim world.
This particular battle was depicted in the twenty-second episode of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series. It was originally broadcast on Cartoon Network on March 22, 2005. It served as the second episode within the series' third season, and was included on the Volume Two DVD release.