Batu Rem

Batu Rem was a male Human who held the position of officer within the Telos Security Force. He was stationed on Citadel Station orbiting Telos in the time following the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War. Dol Grenn was the superior officer under whom he served. During a period when Rem was on leave, an impostor took his place and adopted his identity.

Not long after the station's security cameras experienced a malfunction, the aforementioned imposter approached the force cage containing Meetra Surik and proceeded to deactivate it, as well as those of her allies, with the intention of eliminating all three individuals. This attempt was unsuccessful, and his true nature as an imposter was revealed by Grenn and the other officers of the TSF. Surik subsequently learned that the imposter had arrived on Telos aboard a tramp freighter originating from Nar Shaddaa.

