The Bavos-I heavy-duty military space platform, a type of space station, was conceptualized by Rendili StarDrive and put into service by the Galactic Empire around 0 ABY. This platform measured 1,300 meters in length, housed a crew of 800 individuals, and was armed with turbolaser cannons along with a concussion missile battery. An example of this platform was Station 2LC/Blue, an Imperial borderpost located in the Core Worlds's Ringali Shell, which served as a Bavos-I military space platform.
This 1,300 meters long Bavos-I heavy-duty military space platform was manufactured by Rendili StarDrive. Functioning as a military space station, it included sensors and a deflector shield generator. Typically crewed by 600 personnel and 200 gunners, the Bavos-I could function with a skeleton crew of one hundred personnel and twenty gunners. The military space station also had the capacity to accommodate up to 200 additional personnel, sometimes including a hundred stormtroopers and a hundred Imperial Navy troopers. The Bavos-I's weaponry consisted of fifty medium turbolaser cannons, each operated by two gunners, as well as fifty anti-starfighter turbolasers, also with two-person crews each; ten were positioned on each side (right, left, back, and front), with the remaining ten serving as turrets. The military station also featured a concussion missile bank, containing thirty missiles, launched from the bridge by a single bridge officer.
The Bavos-I space station could transport fifty metric tons of cargo and had the capacity to store enough supplies to sustain its crew for three months. However, most of these supplies, alongside other cargo, were kept in external cargo pods orbiting nearby. When supplies were required, cargo tugs were used to retrieve the pods. These cargo pods necessitated the presence of up to a dozen cargo tugs around the space station. In certain configurations, the Bavos-I also carried thirty-six TIE/LN starfighters and a pair of troop transports.
The Galactic Empire deployed the Bavos-I by 0 ABY, concurrent with the Galactic Civil War against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. One such Bavos-I platform was Station 2LC/Blue, an Imperial border station located near Rhinnal in the Core Worlds' Ringali Shell. 2LC/Blue functioned as a rescue station and a base of operations against smuggling. By 0 ABY, Rendili StarDrive developed a successor to the Bavos-I, known as the Bavos-II heavy-duty military space platform, which represented a more advanced iteration.
The Bavos-I heavy-duty military space platform was initially referenced in 1998's The Far Orbit Project, authored by Timothy S. O'Brien. This book served as a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and acted as a sequel to Pirates & Privateers, continuing its theme by following the adventures of the privateering frigate Far Orbit. This article operates under the assumption that all Bavos-I space stations employed external cargo pods, similar to 2LC/Blue, which is the only canon example of a Bavos-I.