
Begali, a [celestial body](link url) within the [Begali system](link url), was located in the [Inner Rim](link url). By the year [1154 BBY](link url), Begali had become associated with the [Six Sisters](link url), a collection of [worlds](link url) under the governance of the [Echani Command](link url) confederation. In that [year](link url), the [Begali Uprising](link url) saw Begali revolt against the Six Sisters, breaking away from [Eshan](link url) and forming an alliance with [Thyrsus](link url). However, within a [century](link url), Begali re-established its connection with Eshan, while Thyrsus maintained its independence from the Echani Command.

Behind the scenes

The name "Begali" initially appeared in the Imperial Sourcebook ([1989](link url)) by [Greg Gorden](link url), published by [West End Games](link url) for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, specifically in reference to the Begali Uprising. Later, the source article "[Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are](link url)" ([1990](link url)), found in the [thirteenth issue](link url) of Voyages SF magazine, elaborated on Begali as a distinct astronomical entity. Given that this article bypassed the [Lucas Licensing](link url) approval, its [canonicity](link url) within the [Star Wars Legends](link url) continuity remained unconfirmed.

Begali's name was introduced in the Imperial Sourcebook.

"[Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are](link url)" situated Begali, alongside the [Columus](link url), [Grehollo](link url), [Jedd](link url), [Jerijador](link url), [Kaelta](link url), [Nosken](link url), and [Tsukkia system](link url), within the [Grehollo sector](link url). The [](link url) [Online Companion](link url) for The Essential Atlas ([2009](link url)) has since reassigned the Grehollo, Jerijador, Kaelta, Nosken, and Tsukkia [systems](link url) to different [sectors](link url). Furthermore, as the Online Companion has also placed the Begali, Columus, and Jedd systems in different [galactic](link url) regions—with the Begali system located in grid square M-8—this article disregards the Voyages SF 13 placement for all the systems mentioned.

A segment intended for The Essential Guide to Warfare ([2012](link url)), penned by [Jason Fry](link url) and [Paul R. Urquhart](link url), would have provided the first definitively canonical description of Begali as a separate astronomical object in Star Wars Legends. Although this segment was removed from the book, it was subsequently published in [2013](link url) as part of [Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut](link url), a series of articles on the [Blog](link url) by Fry and [Del Rey](link url) editor [Erich Schoeneweiss](link url), featuring excised content from the book.


  • Imperial Sourcebook (Initial mention) (Within the context of the Begali Uprising)
  • "[Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are](link url)" — [Voyages SF 13](link url) (Unofficial) (First detailed description)
  • [Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition](link url) (Referencing the Begali Uprising)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 2 - Ancient Coruscant on (article) (backup link)

Notes and references
