Bingo Mehndra was a smuggler of Balti goods and a competitor to Jabba Desilijic Tiure. His operations were based on the planet of Hoth.
In one instance, Jabba exploited Mehndra's fondness for jizz music to devise a complex assassination scheme. The Hutt dispatched his employees, the Max Rebo Band, to Hoth to play at Mehndra's Spawning Day celebration. Without Mehndra's knowledge, the band's audio gear was set up to detonate when the show concluded. The resulting blast obliterated Mehndra's headquarters, with the likely consequence of killing him and the majority of his organization. The Max Rebo Band also would have perished, but they replaced the live show with a hologram performance on Orto after Droopy McCool found thermite explosives concealed within their speaker system.