Bob (stormtrooper)

Bob was a stormtrooper of the male Human variety, and he served the Galactic Empire. Between the years of 0 ABY and 3 ABY, a time when things were happening, Bob pilfered the personal diary belonging to the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. He perused its contents during a midday meal alongside fellow stormtrooper Kjazhed-Uhl, with whom he deliberated on the stories contained within, notably one concerning the stormtroopers' oversight of Vader's birthday. After this reading, Bob posited that Vader was in need of a way to express himself creatively to better manage his emotions. Subsequently, one of the two stormtroopers offered Vader belated birthday greetings.


Bob was a stormtrooper in service to the Galactic Empire, where he became familiar with another soldier, Kjazhed-Uhl. At some time falling between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, Bob received orders to extract a deceased body from the private living space of Darth Vader, the Sith Lord under whose command he served. While present, Bob spotted Vader's diary partially concealed beneath a stack of periodicals, and proceeded to steal it. Given the disordered condition of the room, Bob reasoned its disappearance would not be detected, and he planned to read it in its entirety over the weekend while Vader was away. Bob began reading during a lunch break in the mess hall, where he was joined by Kjazhed-Uhl.

Following a discussion about Kjazhed-Uhl's upcoming family visit, Bob disclosed to his comrade that he was engrossed in Vader's diary. Kjazhed-Uhl expressed shock and deemed Bob's actions foolish, but after Bob defended his actions by suggesting the diary's absence would not be noticed, Kjazhed-Uhl relented and decided to read it alongside Bob. The stormtroopers turned to a page where Vader had documented the acquisition of a new helmet, and Bob pointed out that he had misspelled "nightmare" as "nitemare." Kjazhed-Uhl proposed that the word could be spelled in more than one way, leading to shared glances between the two stormtroopers. Bob suggested they skip to another page, discovering a passage where Vader conveyed his anxiety regarding an impending meeting with Luke Skywalker. Concluding the passage, Kjazhed-Uhl inquired as to the identity of "Luke Skywalter," and Bob speculated that he was Vader's son based on the content.

Bob (left) and Kjazhed-Uhl read Vader's diary

Subsequently, Bob noticed several sketches created by Vader within the diary, and he made a comment regarding his poor artistic skill. Kjazhed-Uhl suggested that they browse the diary to see if they were mentioned, so Bob skipped over sections detailing death and destruction until he located a section pertaining to stormtroopers. Upon reading, they found that Vader's birthday had recently been overlooked by the stormtroopers, resulting in an emotional episode for him. Bob remarked that he was unaware Vader even celebrated a birthday, to which Kjazhed-Uhl responded that it was obvious that everyone has a birthday. Bob wondered what Vader's given name was, and Kjazhed-Uhl guessed that it was Corey. Bob declared that Vader needed to discover a method to cope with his emotions, such as therapy, painting, or dancing. Kjazhed-Uhl disagreed, stating that the Sith Lord needed to directly face his issues.

Their conversation was cut short by an alarm and a message from another stormtrooper informing Bob and Kjazhed-Uhl that Vader had called an emergency meeting, as an intruder was believed to be onboard. The stormtroopers donned their helmets in order to attend Vader's briefing, where he informed them that speed was crucial and that the intruder was to be brought before him. Following the briefing, one of the stormtroopers approached Vader and subtly wished him a happy birthday, causing him to pause.

Personality and traits

Driven by curiosity, Bob was willing to steal Vader's diary from his personal quarters, despite Vader's reputation for executing those under his command. He was also willing to share his discovery with Kjazhed-Uhl. After reading his diary, Bob thought that therapy or creative outlets could be a solution for Vader's emotional turmoil. Being a Human male, Bob had dark skin, brown eyes, and an afro of curly black hair.


Bob was wearing white stormtrooper armor, and at the time of the lunch break when he was reading Vader's diary, he had a purple afro comb in his hair. During the break he also had an apple and a Mega Go juice box sitting on the mess hall table.

Behind the scenes

Bob was a character in "Lunch Break," a comic written and illustrated by Jonathan Adams and featured in the sixteenth issue of Star Wars Tales, which was released on June 25, 2003.

